27 November 2007

ARTPROJX Hi Fi presents

a selection of films by

Alice Anderson
David Blandy
Dexter Dalwood

Ravi Deepres
Rineke Dijkstra
Nathalie Djurberg
Haris Epaminonda
Pamela Golden
Jesper Just

Idris Khan
Joshua Mosley
Michael Nyman
Terry Smith
Emily Wardill
Zatorski + Zatorski


Artprojx at Art in Marrakech
Théâtre Royal de Marrakech
Avenue Mohamed VI , Guéliz, Marrakech

Tuesday 27 November 2007
Screening 7-9.30pm



Selected by David Gryn - Artprojx

Contact/info events@artprojx.com

+44 (0)7711 127 848


Artprojx Hi Fi presents

a selection of artists films featuring

Alice Anderson, David Blandy, Dexter Dalwood, Ravi Deepres, Rineke Dijkstra, Nathalie Djurberg, Haris Epaminonda, Pamela Golden, Jesper Just, Idris Khan, Joshua Mosley, Michael Nyman, Terry Smith, Emily Wardill, Zatorski + Zatorski

Artprojx at Art in Marrakech
Théâtre Royal de Marrakech
Avenue Mohamed VI, Guéliz, Marrakech

Tuesday 27 November 2007
Screening 7-9.30pm


Image: still from 'Tarahi II' by Haris Epaminonda. Courtesy the artist & domobaal, london

A r t p r o j x  H i  F i  

p r e s e n t s

a n  a r t i s t   f i l m  s e l e c t i o n 

f e a t u r i n g

A l i c e  A n d e r s o n - Journal 2004-2005

D a v i d  B l a n d y - The White and Black Minstrel

D e x t e r  D a l w o o d - 1800

R a v i  D e e p r e s - Eden

R i n e k e  D i j k s t r a - Annemiek

N a t h a l i e  D j u r b e r g - Florentin

H a r i s  E p a m i n o n d a - Light, Tarahi II, IIII, V

P a m e l a  G o l d e n - Love & Hysteria

J e s p e r  J u s t - It Will All End In Tears

I d r i s  K h a n - A Memory... After Bach's Cello Suites

J o s h u a  M o s l e y - Beyrouth

M i c h a e l  N y m a n - Moscow 11.19.31

T e r r y  S m i t h - Overture

E m i l y  W a r d i l l - Basking in what feels like 'an ocean of grace', I soon realise that I'm not looking at it, but rather that I AM it, recognising myself

Z a t o r s k i  +  Z a t o r s k i - The Dance

Artprojx at Art in Marrakech
Théâtre Royal de Marrakech
Avenue Mohamed VI, Guéliz, Marrakech

Tuesday 27 November 2007
Screening 7-9.30pm


 F i l m s  s e l e c t e d  b y 
 D a v i d  G r y n  -  A r t p r o j x


David Gryn, Artprojx on the selection criteria: "The selection of films was based on a simple premise - good artists films I like listening to. They all use music. They are all great artists."

Image: still from The Dance by ZATORSKI & ZATORSKI

Théâtre Royal de Marrakech, Avenue Mohamed VI


An extraordinary programme that attracted a massive audience but also impressed everyone who saw and heard about it. it added to the calibre and richness of late at Tate.
(Heidi Reitmaier - Curator Tate Education Projects)

Congratulations. Was a great selection. Really enjoyed it.
(Max Pugh - Editor on Michael Nyman Film)

I really enjoyed last night-- some of the films were outstanding, all were enjoyable.
(Susan Hiller - artist)

Absolutely flawless selection of films. My fave was psychoanalytical french rap (Love & Hysteria by Pamela Golden) also loved lots of others
(Ben Lewis - tv arts documentary film maker and critic)

Screening looked great. Auditorium packed.
(Zatorski & Zatorski, artists in the programme)

It was a fabulous selection. Feedback from the Victoria Miro Gallery team was great. Everyone really enjoyed the different use of sound and also the jumps between the use of video and film and the different ranges in budgets! My particular favourites were Jesper's, Alice's and the Zartorski's. I love the way mine sounded. It is the best I've had it screened. I loved showing it as a performance. It felt as if we were inside the cello. Amazing!
(Idris Khan, artist in the programme)

It was a great event. People even clapped!
(Dexter Dalwood, artist in the programme)

The Arts in Marrakech Festival 2007
Friday 23rd - Thursday 29th November
Vanessa Branson, Abel Damoussi and Danny Moynihan have great pleasure in inviting you to the second Arts in Marrakech (AiM) Festival.

They have an extraordinary group of artists, writers and filmmakers participating over seven-days of exhibitions, screenings, debates and partying.